CVT Kick-Off, 2014

The Dahlmann Campus Inn banner

The CVT Kick-off Workshop will take place at the Dahlmann Campus Inn in Ann Arbor, MI on October 16th & 17th. You can view the full agenda below for a list of speakers and topics. The online agenda provides links to the presentation documents used during the workshop.

Enjoy memorable moments from the CVT Kick-off by viewing photos taken at our event.


October 16th, 2014

7:30BREAKFASTCampus Inn – Continental
8:10WELCOMES. Pozzi, R. Gilgenbach, D. Tilbury
8:30NNSA OverviewMarco Di Capua, NNSA
8:50NNSA OverviewSara Pozzi, UM
9:10CVT Scientific OverviewDavid Wehe, UM
9:30BREAK15 minutes (Beverages)
Session WelcomeChair: Alex Glaser
9:45Thrust Area I Overview: Treaty Verification: Characterizing Existing Gaps and Emerging ChallengesAlex Glaser, Princeton
10:05Verification challenges of a Fissile Material Cutoff TreatyFrank von Hippel, Princeton
10:25Lab Overview I
Sandia National LabRob Tachau, SNL
Idaho National LabDavid L Chichester, INL
Brookhaven National LabRalph James, BNL
10:45BREAK15 minutes (Midmorning   w/snacks)
Session WelcomeChair: A. Hero
11:00Thrust Area II Overview: Fundamental Physical Data and Data Acquisition and Analysis TechniquesAl Hero, UM
11:20Deep Data RepresentationsLarry Carin, Duke
11:40Graphical Models for Query-driven Analysis of Multimodal DataJohn Fisher, MIT
12:00Correlations in Prompt Neutron and Gamma Rays from FissionShaun Clarke, UM
12:20LUNCH and POSTERS     (1 hr, 45 mins)Campus Inn – Lunch Buffet
Matthew Marcath, UM
Charles Sosa, UM
Elizabeth Hou & Yasin Yilmaz, UM
Meghan McGarry, U.Wisconsin
Sebastien Phillippe, Princeton
Eric Becker, OSU
Kyle C. Hartig, PSU
Session WelcomeChair: Zhong He
3:40Fast Neutron Detectors (and other CVT contributions by UF)Jim Baciak
4:00Data Compression and Analysis Methods for High-Throughput Detector SystemsJohn Mattingly, NCSU
4:20Technical Collaboration Roundtable IAll
5:00ADJOURNE: Day 1
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SAVA’S Restaurant

October 17th, 2014

7:30BREAKFASTCampus Inn – Continental
Session WelcomeChair: Paul Richards
8:30Thrust Area IV Overview: Detection of Undeclared Activities and Inaccessible Facilities – Geophysics R & D needed to support monitoring for compliance with test-ban treaties ( LTBT, NPT, TTBT, PNET, and CTBT)Paul Richards, Columbia
8:50Infrasound, In ContextMilton Garces, UH
9:10Radioxenon Detection via Beta-Gamma Coincidence techniqueAbi Farsoni, OSU
9:30BREAK15 minutes (Beverages)
9:45Cyclus: Agent-based Modeling of Open and Clandestine Fuel Cycle Facilities
10:05Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Proliferation Monitoring
10:20Lab Overview II
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Los Alamos National Lab
Oak Ridge National Lab
10:40BREAK15 minutes (Midmorning w/snacks)
Session WelcomeChair: R. Lanza
10:55Thrust Area V Overview: Disarmament VerificationRichard Lanza, MIT & Scott Kemp, MIT
11:15Zero-knowledge Neutron DetectionFrancesco d’Errico, Yale & Goldston, Princeton
11:35Information Barriers based on Enhanced Automated Isotope IdentificationClair Sullivan, UI
11:55Lab Overview III
Pacific Northwest National LabDaniel Stephens, PNNL
Princeton Plasma Physics LabRobert Goldston, PPPL
Lawrence Livermore National LabDaniel Decman, LLNL
12:15LUNCH     (1 hr, 15 mins)Campus Inn – Lunch Buffet
Session WelcomeChair: K. Kearfott
1:30Thrust Area VI Overview: Education and OutreachKim Kearfott, UM
1:50University ProgramsIgor Jovanovic, PSU
2:10Laboratory Programs/Career DevelopmentMarek Flaska, UM
2:30Technical Collaboration Roundtable IIAll
2:55Closing CommentsSara Pozzi
3:00ADJOURNE: Day 2    

University of Michigan: Fall Colloquium Series

4:00“Seismic Monitoring for Hundreds of Earthquakes per Day and for the Occasional Nuclear Explosion”Paul Richards, Ph.D.
Google Map: Campus Inn to Cooley Bldg
Directions, PDF