Publications (peer reviewed) reported through March 31, 2017

1. A. Glaser and M Göttsche, Fissile Material Stockpile Declarations and Cooperative Nuclear Archaeology, FM(C)T Meeting Series: Verifiable Declarations of Fissile Material Stocks: Challenges and Solutions, United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research, Geneva, January 2017. |
2. Y. Altmann, A. Maccarone, A. McCarthy, G. Newstadt, G. S. Buller, S. McLaughlinand A. Hero “Robust Spectral Unmixing of Sparse Multispectral Lidar Waveforms using Gamma Markov Random Fields,” accepted in IEEE Journ of Computational Imaging, |
3. M. Monterial, P. Marleau, M. Paff, S. Clarke, S. Pozzi, “Multiplication and Presence of Shielding Material from Time-Correlated Pulse-Height Measurements of Subcritical Plutonium Assemblies”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, vol. 851, pp. 50-56, 2017. ( |
4. “Improved Fission Neutron Energy Discrimination with Helium-4 Detectors Through Pulse Filtering,” T. Zhu, Y. Liang; L. Rolison; S. Gokhale; J. Lewis, R. Chandra; S. Kiff, H. Chung; H. Ray, J. E. Baciak; A. Enqvist; and K. A Jordan, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Part A, 2017, accepted. |
5. “Variations in AmLi source spectra and their estimation utilizing the 5 Ring Multiplicity Counter”, R. Weinmann-Smitha, D.H. Beddingfield, A. Enqvist, M.T. Swinhoe, Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 856 (2017) pp 17–25. |
6. “Measuring the scintillation decay time for different energy deposited by γ-rays and neutrons in a Cs2LiYCl6:Ce3+ detector”, Xianfei Wen⁎, Andreas Enqvist, Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 853 (2017) pp 9–15 |
7. K. C. Hartig, I. Ghebregziabher, and I. Jovanovic, “Remote Detection of Uranium and its Isotopes by Femtosecond Filament Laser Ablation Molecular Isotopic Spectrometry”, Scientific Reports (Nature) 7, 43852 (2017). |
8. K. C. Hartig, S. S. Harilal, M. C. Phillips, B. E. Brumfield, and I. Jovanovic, “Evolution of uranium monoxide in femtosecond laser-induced uranium plasmas”, submitted to Optics Express. |
9. M. C. Phillips, B. E. Brumfield, N. LaHaye, S. S. Harilal, K. C. Hartig, and I. Jovanovic, “Two-dimensional fluorescence spectroscopy of uranium isotopes in femtosecond laser ablation plumes”, submitted to Scientific Reports (Nature). |
10. Di Fulvio, T. H. Shin, T. Jordan, C. Sosa, M. L. Ruch, S. D. Clarke, D. Chichester, S. A. Pozzi, “Fast Neutron Multiplicity Counter for the Assay of Plutonium Metal Plates”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, vol. 855, pp. 92-101, 2017. |
11. M. G. Paff, A. Di Fulvio, S. D. Clarke, and S. A. Pozzi, “Radionuclide identification algorithm for organic scintillator-based radiation portal monitor,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, vol. 849C, pp. 41-48, 2017 |
12. Paul G. Richards, “The History and Outlook for Seismic Monitoring of Nuclear Explosions in the Context of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty”, The Nonproliferation Review, 23: 3–4, pp 287–300, doi:10.1080/10736700.2016.1272207; acknowledges federal support. |
13. Garcés, M. A. (2017). Explosion Source Models, Chapter in Infrasound Monitoring for Atmospheric Studies, Volume 2, Springer (reviewed, mods in progress). |
14. Marty, J., S. Denis, T. Gabrielson, M. A. Garcés and D. Brown (2017). Comparison and validation of acoustic response models for wind-noise-reduction pipe arrays. J. Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, DOI: |
15. M. Kamuda*, J. Stinnett*, and C.J. Sullivan, “Automated Isotope Identification Algorithm Using Artificial Neural Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, DOI: 10.1109/TNS.2017.2693152. |
16. J. Stinnett*, C.J. Sullivan, H. Xiong, “Uncertainty Analysis of Wavelet-Based Feature Extraction for Isotope Identification on NaI Gamma-Ray Spectra,” IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, DOI: 10.1109/TNS.2017.2676045. |
18. 1- Ranjbar, L.; Farsoni, A.T.; Becker, E.M. “135Xe Measurements with a Two-element CZT-based Radioxenon Detector,” Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, accepted for publication; (December 2016) |
19. M. G. Paff, A. Di Fulvio, S. D. Clarke, and S. A. Pozzi, “Radionuclide identification algorithm for organic scintillator-based radiation portal monitor,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, vol. 849C, pp. 41-48, 2017. (10.1016/j.nima.2017.01.009). |
21. M. C. Hamel, J. K. Polack, A. Poitrasson-Rivière, S. D. Clarke, S. A. Pozzi, “Localization and spectral isolation of special nuclear material using stochastic image reconstruction,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, vol. 841, pgs. 24-33, 2017. |
22. M. Goettsche, J. Schirm and A. Glaser, “Low-Resolution Gamma-ray Spectrometry for an Information Barrier Based on a Multi-Criteria Template-Matching Approach,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods A, 840, 2016: 139-144 |
23. W.-Y. Ki, P. G. Richards, D. P. Schaff, and K. Koch, “Evaluation of a Seismic Event, May 12, 2010, in North Korea”, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, vol. 107, 21 pages, doi 10.1785/012016111 published online December 19 2016; acknowledges federal support. |
24. S. Philippe and F. von Hippel, “The Feasibility of Ending HEU Fuel Use in the U.S. Navy,” Arms Control Today, November 2016: 15-22 |
25. G. Blanchard, M. Flaska, G. Handy, S. A. Pozzi, and C. Scott, “Classification with Asymmetric Label Noise: Consistency and Maximal Denoising,” Electronic Journal of Statistics, ISSN: 1935-7524, 2016. |
26. M. Streicher, S. Brown, Y. Zhu, D. Goodman, and Z. He. “A Method to Estimate the Atomic Number and Mass Thickness of Intervening Materials in Uranium and Plutonium Gamma-ray Spectroscopy Measurements.” IEEE TNS 2016, vol. 63, pp. 2639-2648, id 2606763. |
27. M. Streicher, S. Brown, Y. Zhu, D. Goodman, and Z. He. “Special Nuclear Material Characterization using Digital 3-D Position Sensitive CdZnTe Detectors and High Purity Germanium Spectometers.” IEEE TNS 2016, vol. 63, pp. 2649-2656, id 2593631. |
28. Di Fulvio, A., Becchetti, F., Raymond, R. S., Torres-Isea, R. O., Clarke, S. D., Pozzi, S. A., Characterization of Deuterated-xylene Scintillator as Neutron Spectrometer in press IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science (TNS), 2016. |
29. O. Freifeld, S. Hauberg, K. Batmanghelich, J Fisher III, “Transfomations based on continuous piecewise-affine velocity fields”, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2016 (in review) |
30. S.S. Gokahle, H. Han, O. Pelaez, J.E. Baciak, J.C. Nino, K.A. Jordan, ”Fabrication and Testing of Antimony Doped Bismuth Tri-Iodide Semiconductor Gamma-Ray Detectors” Journal of Radiation Measurements, Vol. 91, pp. 1-8, August 2016. |
31. “Pulse shape discrimination in helium-4 scintillation detectors”, Ryan Kelley, Andreas Enqvist, Kelly Jordan, NIMA, Vol 830, pp 44-52 (2016) ( |
32. J. M. Mueller and J. Mattingly, “Using anisotropies in prompt fission neutron coincidences to assess the neutron multiplication of highly multiplying subcritical plutonium assemblies,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, Section A, Vol. 825, pp. 87-92, July 2016. |
33. M. Bourne, S. Clarke, M. Paff, A. Di Fulvio, M. Norsworthy, S. Pozzi, “Digital Pileup Rejection of Plutonium Experiments with Solution-Grown Stilbene”, in press Nuclear Instr and Meth A. |
34. P. M. John, J. E. Baciak, and J. C. Nino, Enhanced Gamma-Ray Sensitivity in Bismuth Triiodide Sensors Through Volumetric Defect Control, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 109, 092105, 2016. |
36. R.R. MacDonald and R.S. Kemp, “Soundness in Physical Proof Systems and Warhead Verification”, submitted to Nature Communications |
37. I. Ghebregziabher, K. C. Hartig, and I. Jovanovic, “Propagation distance-resolved characteristics of filament-induced copper plasma”, Optics Express 24, 5263-5276 (2016). |
38. R.S. Kemp, A. Danagoulian, R.R. Macdonald, J.R. Vavrek, “Physical Cryptographic Verification of Nuclear Warheads,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 113 no. 31 (2016), doi:10.1073/pnas.1603916113 |
39. P. J. Skrodzki, N. P. Shah, N. Taylor, K. C. Hartig, N. L. LaHaye, B. E. Brumfield, I. Jovanovic, M. C. Phillips, S. S. Harilal, “Significance of Ambient Conditions in U Absorption and Emission Features of Laser Ablation Plasmas”, Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 125, 112-119 (2016). |
40. P. K. Morgan, J. R. Scott, and I. Jovanovic, “Hybrid Interferometric/Dispersive Atomic Spectroscopy of Laser-induced Uranium Plasma”, Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 116, 58-62 (2016). |
41. J. Stinnett+, M.M. Watson*, C.J. Sullivan, and H. Xiong, “Feature Extraction and Isotope Identification on NaI,” IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, in review. |
42. M. Kamuda+ and C.J. Sullivan, “Automated Isotope Identification Algorithm Using Artificial Neural Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, in review. |
43. M. Schoeppner and A. Glaser, “Present and Future Potential of Krypton-85 for the Detection of Clandestine Reprocessing Plants for Treaty Verification,” Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 162-163, 2016: 300–309. |
44. Ranjbar, L.; Farsoni, A. T.; Becker, E. M. “A CZT-based Radioxenon Detection System in support of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty,” Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. DOI: 10.1007/s10967-016-4872-8 (; 2016 |
45. R. Scott Kemp, Areg Danagoulian, Ruaridh R. Macdonald and Jayson R. Vavrek,”Physical Cryptographic Verification of Nuclear Warheads” accepted for publication June 3, 2016 doi:10.1073/pnas.1603916113 |
46. Whetstone, Z. D., Flaska, M., Kearfott, K. J., “Experimental Verification of a Method to Create a Variable Energy Neutron Beam from a Monoenergetic, Isotropic Source using Neutron Elastic Scatter and Time of Flight”, Nuclear Instrumentation and Methods in Physics Research A, 827:95-101, 2016. |
47. C. Sosa, M. Flaska, S. A. Pozzi, “Comparison of analog and digital pulse-shape-discrimination systems”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, vol. 826, pgs. 72-79, 2016. |
48. S. A. Pozzi, M. C. Hamel, K. Polack, M. J. Marcath, T. H. Shin, A. Di Fulvio, and S. D. Clarke. “Detection for Nuclear Nonproliferation,” Proceedings of International Symposium on Radiation Detectors and Their Uses (ISRD2016). |
50. Caudron, C., B. Taisne, A. Perttu, M. Garces, E. Silber, P. Mialle (2016). Infrasound and seismic detections associated with the Bangkok fireball 3. Caudron, C., B. Taisne, A. Perttu, M. Garcés, E. Silber, P. Mialle (2016). Infrasound and seismic detections associated with the 7 September 2015 Bangkok fireball. Geoscience Letters, DOI 10.1186/s40562-016-0058-z |
51. Y. Yilmaz and A. Hero, “Multimodal Event Detection in Twitter Hashtag Networks,” Journ. of Signal Processing Systems, 2016. Available as arxiv 1601.00306, Jan 2016. |
52. S. Philippe, R. J. Goldston, A. Glaser and F. d’Errico, “A Physical Zero-Knowledge Object-Comparison System for Nuclear Warhead Verification,” Nature Communications, 7:12890 (2016) |
53. B.K. Cogswell and P. Huber, “Detection of Breeding Blankets Using Antineutrinos,” Science & Global Security 24, 2016: 114–130. |
54. A. Brown and A. Glaser, “On the Origins and Significance of the Limit Demarcating Low-Enriched Uranium from Highly Enriched Uranium,” Science & Global Security, 24 (2), 2016: 131–137. |
55. P. Eslinger, M. Schoeppner, et al., “International Challenge to Predict the Impact of Radioxenon Releases from Medical Isotope Production on a Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Sampling Station,” Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 157, pp. 41–51. |
56. M. G. Paff, S. D. Clarke, S. A. Pozzi, “Organic liquid scintillation detector shape and volume impact on radiation portal monitors,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, vol. 825, pp. 31-39, 2016 |
57. M. J. Marcath, T.H. Shin, S.D. Clarke, P. Peerani, S.A. Pozzi, “Neutron Angular Distribution in Plutonium-240 Spontaneous Fission”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, submitted for review March 31, 2016. |
58. Zachary S. Hartwig, “The ADAQ framework: An integrated toolkit for data acquisition |
59. F.D. Becchetti, R.S. Raymond, and R.O.Torres-Isea, A. Di Fulvio, S.D. Clarke, S.A. Pozzi, and M. Febbraro “Deuterated-xylene (xylene-d10; EJ301D): a new, improved deuterated liquid scintillator for neutron energy measurements without time-of-flight”, Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research A, vol. 810, pp. 112-120, 2016. |
60. A.O. Hero and B. Rajaratnam, “Foundational principles for large-scale inference: illustrations through correlation mining,” Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 104, no. 1, pp. 93-110, Jan 2016. (Invited paper to special issue on Big Data). |
61. S. Avdic, P. Marinkovic, S.A. Pozzi, M. Flaska, Z. Dedić, and A. Osmanovic, “Study of the Filter Method for Neutron Pulse-Height Distributions Measured with Organic Scintillators,” Radiation Measurements, vol. 86, pp. 32-38, 2016; |
62. Whetstone, Z. D., Kearfott, K. J., “Layered Shielding Design for an Active Neutron Interrogation System”, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 125: 69-74, 2016. |
63. D.E. Carlson, Y.-P. Hsieh, E. Collins, L. Carin and V. Cevher, “Stochastic Spectral Descent for Discrete Graphical Models,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 2016 |
64. Chen, G. Golovin, D. Haden, S. Banerjee, P. Zhang, C. Liu, J. Zhang, B. Zhao, D. Umstadter, C. Miller, S. Clarke, S. A. Pozzi, “Shielded radiography with a laser driven MeV energy x-ray source,” Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research B, vol. 366, pp. 217-223, 2016. |
65. “Measurement and Simulation of Cosmic Rays Effects on Neutron Multiplicity Counting”, Robert Weinmann‐Smith et al. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 814 50-55. January 2016. (based on related work). |
66. M. C. Hamel, J.K. Polack, A. Poitrasson-Rivière, M. Flaska, S.D. Clarke, S.A. Pozzi, A. Tomanin, P. Peerani, “Stochastic Image Reconstruction for a Dual-particle Imaging System,” Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A, vol. 810, pp. 120-131, 2016. |
67. Y. Yilmaz, G.V. Moustakides, X. Wang and A.O. Hero, “Event based statistical signal processing,” in Event Based Control and Signal Processing, Ed. M. Miskowicz, CRC/Taylor Francis, Dec. 2015. |
68. R. Henao, J.T. Lu, J.E. Lucas and L. Carin, “Electronic Health Record Analysis via Deep Poisson Factor Models,” J. Machine Learning Research, 2015 |
69. A. Glaser, Z. Mian, S. H. Mousavian, and F. von Hippel, “Building on the Iran Deal: Steps Toward a Middle Eastern Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone,” Arms Control Today, December 2015. |
70. F. von Hippel, “Overcoming the Challenge of Disposing of Separated Plutonium,” Disarmament Review, 6 (6), November 2015, pp. 13–18. |
71. “Pulse height model for deuterated scintillation detectors”, Haitang Wang, Andreas Enqvist, Accepted for publication in Nucl. Instr. & Meth. A, Sept 17, 2015. |
72. A. Poitrasson-Rivière, J. K. Polack, M. C. Hamel, D. D. Klemm, K. Ito, A. T. McSpaden, M. Flaska, S. D. Clarke, S. A. Pozzi, A. Tomanin, and P. Peerani, “Angular-Resolution and Material-Characterization Measurements for a Dual-Particle Imaging System with Mixed-Oxide Fuel”. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, vol. 797, pp. 278-284, 2015 |
73. M. G. Paff, M. L. Ruch, A. Poitrasson-Riviere, A. Sagadevan, S. D. Clarke, S. A. Pozzi, “Organic Liquid Scintillation Detectors For On-The-Fly Neutron/Gamma Alarming And Radionuclide Identification In A Pedestrian Radiation Portal Monitor,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, vol. 789, pp. 16-27, 2015. |
74. M. L. Ruch, M. Flaska, S. A. Pozzi, “Pulse shape discrimination performance of stilbene coupled to low-noise silicon photomultipliers,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, vol. 793, pp. 1-5, 2015. |
75. A. Di Fulvio, T. H. Shin, M. C. Hamel, S. A. Pozzi, “Digital pulse processing for NaI(Tl) detectors”. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A (2015), vol 806, p 167-174, 2016 |
76. J. K. Polack, M. Flaska, A. Enqvist, C. S. Sosa, C. C. Lawrence, S. A. Pozzi, “An Algorithm for Charge-Integration, Pulse-Shape Discrimination and Estimation of Neutron/Photon Misclassification in Organic Scintillators,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, vol. 795, pp. 253-267, 2015. |
77. M. M. Bourne, S. D. Clarke, N. Adamowicz, S. A. Pozzi, N. Zaitseva, and L. Carman, “Neutron Detection in a High-Gamma Field Using Solution-Grown Stilbene,” Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A, vol. 806, pp. 348-355, 2015. |
78. L. Wang, J. Huang, X. Yuan, K. Krishnamurthy, J. Greenberg, V. Cevher, M.R.D. Rodrigues, D. Brady, R. Calderbank, and L. Carin, “Signal Recovery and System Calibration from Multiple Compressive Poisson Measurements,” SIAM J. Imaging Sciences, 2015 |
79. P. Llull, X. Yuan, L. Carin, and D.J. Brady, “Image translation for single-shot focal tomography,” Optica, 2015. |
80. T.-H. Tsai, P. Llull, X. Yuan, L. Carin, and D.J. Brady, “Spectral-temporal compressive imaging,” Optics Letters, 2015 |
81. H. A. Feiveson, A. Glaser, Z. Mian and F. von Hippel, Unmaking the Bomb: A Fissile Material Approach to Nuclear Disarmament and Nonproliferation, Forum on Physics & Society, American Physical Society, College Park, Maryland, 2015. |
82. Y. Jie and A. Glaser, “Nuclear Warhead Verification: A Review of Attribute and Template Systems,” Science & Global Security, vol. 44, #3, July, 2015, pg. 4. |
83. M. Monterial, P. Marleau, S. Clarke, S.A. Pozzi, “Application of Bayes’ theorem for pulse shape discrimination,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, vol. 793, pp. 318-324, 2015. |
84. A. Glaser, Z. Mian, and F. von Hippel, “After the Iran deal: Multinational Enrichment,” Science, 348, 19 June 2015, pp. 1320–1322. |
85. M. F. Becchetti, M. Flaska, S. D. Clarke, and S. A. Pozzi, “Measurements and Simulations of the Cosmic‐Ray‐Induced Neutron Background,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, vol. 777, pp. 1‐5, 2015. |
86. A. Poitrasson‐Rivière, B. A. Maestas, M. C. Hamel, S. D. Clarke, M. Flaska, S. A. Pozzi, G. Pausch, C.‐M. Herbach, A. Gueorguiev, M. Ohmes, and J. Stein, “Monte Carlo Investigation of a High Efficiency Two‐Plane Compton Camera for Long‐Range Localization of Radioactive Material,” Progress in Nuclear Energy, vol. 81, pp. 127‐133, 2015 |
87. Bruce D. Pierson, Henry C. Griffin, Marek Flaska, Jeff A. Katalenich, Brian B. Kitchen, Sara A. Pozzi, Benchmarking the repeatability of a pneumatic cyclic neutron activation analysis facility using 16O(n,p)16N for nuclear forensics, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Volume 96, February 2015, Pages 20‐26, ISSN 0969‐8043, ( |
88. K. Hartig, J. Colgan, D. Kilcrease, J. Barefield II, and I. Jovanovic, “Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy using mid-infrared femtosecond pulses”, Journal of Applied Physics 118, 043107 (2015). – |
89. P. Ko, J. Scott, and I. Jovanovic, “High-Resolution Spectroscopy Using a Hybrid Interferometric/Dispersive Method”, Optics Communications 357, 95-99 (2015). |
90. A. Ahmad and A. Glaser, “A Conversion Proposal for Iran’s IR‐40 Reactor with Reduced Plutonium Production,” Science & Global Security, 23 (1), 2015, pp. 3–19. |
91. Marc G. Paff, Mateusz Monterial, Peter Marleau, Scott Kiff, Aaron Nowack, Shaun D. Clarke, Sara A. Pozzi, “Gamma/Neutron Time-Correlation for Special Nuclear Material Detection –Active Stimulation of Highly Enriched Uranium,” Annals of Nuclear Energy, vol. 72, pp. 358-366, 2014. |
92. C. Kaplan, V. Henzl, H. O. Menlove, M. T. Swinhoe, A. P. Belian, M. Flaska, S. A. Pozzi, “Determination of Total Plutonium Content in Spent Nuclear Fuel Assemblies with the Differential Die-Away Self-Interrogation Instrument”, NIM-A, vol. 764, No. 1, pp. 347-351, August 2014. |
93. C. C. Lawrence, M. Febbraro, T. N. Massey, M. Flaska, F. D. Becchetti, and S. A. Pozzi, “Neutron Response Characterization for an EJ299-33 Plastic Scintillation Detector,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods A, Vol. 759, pp. 16-22, 2014. |
94. J. L. Dolan, M. Flaska, A. Poitrasson-Riviere, A. Enqvist. P. Peerani, D. L. Chichester, and S. A. Pozzi, “Plutonium Measurements with a fast neutron multiplicity counter for nuclear safeguards applications,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Section A, vol. 763, pp. 565-574, 2014. |
95. M. M. Bourne, J. Whaley, J. L. Dolan, M. Flaska, S. D. Clarke, A. Tomanin, P. Peerani, and S. A. Pozzi, “Cross-Correlation Measurements with the EJ-299-33 Plastic Scintillator”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, vol. 784, pp. 460-464, 2015. |
96. D. L. Chichester, S. J. Thompson, M. T. Kinlaw, J. T. Johnson, J. L. Dolan, M. Flaska, and S. A. Pozzi, “Statistical Estimation of the Performance of a Fast-Neutron Multiplicity System for Nuclear Material Accountancy”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, vol. 784, pp. 448-454, 2015. |
97. S. A. Pozzi, M. M. Bourne, J. L. Dolan, K. Polack, C. Lawrence, M. Flaska, S. D. Clarke, A. Tomanin, P. Peerani, “Plutonium Metal vs. Oxide Determination with the Pulse-Shape-Discrimination-Capable Plastic Scintillator EJ-299-33,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, vol. 767, pp. 188-192, 2014. |
98. M. J. Marcath, S.D. Clarke, B.M. Wieger, E. Padovani, E.W. Larsen, S.A. Pozzi, “An Implicit Correlation Method for Cross-Correlation Sampling, with MCNPX-PoliMi Validation.” Accepted for publication in Nucl. Sci. Eng., , vol. 181, No. 1, 2015. |
99. S. A. Pozzi, B. Wieger, A. Enqvist, S. D. Clarke, M. Flaska, M. Marcath, E. Larsen, R. C. Haight, and E. Padovani, “Correlated Neutron Emissions from Cf-252,” Nuclear Science and Engineering, vol. 178(2), pp. 250 – 260, 2014. |
100. Caudron, C., B. Taisne, M. A. Garcés, A. Le Pichon. On the use of remote infrasound and seismic stations to constrain eruptive sequence and intensity during the 2014 Kelud eruption, Geophysical Research Letters, 2015, DOI 10.1002/2015GL064885. |
101. Pilger, C., L. Ceranna, J. Ole Ross, A. Le Pichon, P. Mialle, M. A. Garcés (2015). CTBT infrasound network performance to detect the 2013 Russian fireball event, Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 42, Issue 7, 16 April 2015, Pages 2523-2531, DOI, April 2015. 10.1002/2015GL063482. |
102. A. Glaser, Z. Mian, H. Mousavian, and F. von Hippel, “Agreeing on Limits for Iran’s Centrifuge Program: A Two-Stage Strategy,” Arms Control Today, July/August 2014. |
103. A. Ahmad, F. von Hippel, A. Glaser, and Z. Mian, “A Win-Win Solution For Iran’s Arak Reactor,” Arms Control Today, April 2014. |
104. H. Feiveson, A. Glaser, Z. Mian, and F. von Hippel, “Unmaking the Bomb: A Fissile Material Approach to Nuclear Disarmament and Nonproliferation”, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, September 2014. |
105. A. Glaser, B. Barak, and R. Goldston, “A Zero-knowledge Protocol for Nuclear Warhead Verification,” Nature, 510, June 2014, pp. 497–502. |
106. F. von Hippel, “Scope and Verification of a Fissile Material (Cutoff) Treaty in P. S. Corden,” in D. Hafemeister and P. Zimmerman (eds.), Nuclear Weapon Issues in the 21st Century, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1596, 2014. |
107. S. Philippe and A. Glaser, “Nuclear Archaeology for Gaseous Diffusion Enrichment Plants,” Science & Global Security, 22 (1), 2014, pp. 27–49. |
108. K. Mayer and A. Glaser, “Nuclear Forensics,” in N. E. Busch and J. F. Pilat (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Nuclear Proliferation and Policy, Routledge, 2015. |
109. Zia Mian and Frank N. von Hippel, “Policy and Technical Issues Facing a Fissile Material (Cutoff) Treaty,” in N. E. Busch and J. F. Pilat (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Nuclear Proliferation and Policy, Routledge, 2015. |