The Consortium for Verification Technology (CVT) participated in the annual University Program Review (UPR) meeting held at the Raleigh Marriott Crabtree Valley, Raleigh, North Carolina, June 4 – 6, 2019. Funded by the Department of Energy, NNSA Integrated University Program (IUP) enact the mission to develop advanced technical capabilities in support of U.S. national nuclear security and nonproliferation goals by developing new technologies and expertise for the verification of existing and proposed nuclear treaties.
With more than 250 in attendance, CVT students and faculty provided 43 technical presentations including 18 talks and 25 posters. CVT presentations were represented in all 5 research focus categories: Data Science, Physics, Radiation Detection, Safeguards and Monitoring Techniques, and Signatures and Observables.
Three students from CVT universities received recognition at for their outstanding performances at the meeting and their research efforts over the past year: Lauren Finney, University of Michigan, for Best Oral Presentation; Patrick Skrodzski, University of Michigan, for Best Poster Presentation; and Felicia Sutanto, University of Michigan, for Best National Laboratory Impact.
CVT finalists include Anthony Christe, U. Hawaii, and William Steinberger, U. Michigan, for Oral presenters and Valerie Nwadeyi, U.Michigan, and Christopher Dean, MIT, for Poster Presenters.