Tony H. Shin is a first year graduate student at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Tony received his B.S.E. in Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences (NERS) in May of 2014, and plans to receive his M.S.E. in May of 2015. Tony has conducted research under the guidance of Dr. Sara A. Pozzi since the summer of 2013, when he joined the Detection for Nuclear Nonproliferation Group (DNNG) at the University of Michigan. Tony’s general research interests include characterization of special nuclear material, novel detection systems, measurements for nuclear data, and overall improvement in verification technology. Specifically, his research focuses on the implementation of scatter-based detectors for correlated fast-neutron detection systems to accurately characterize special nuclear material of interest. Tony’s research aims to improve nuclear safeguards applications and hopes to ultimately promote peaceful use of nuclear energy.