Title: Developing Accurate MCNP6 Simulations of Correlated Data in Fission Events
Mentor: Michael Rising
Description: With new physics models describing the event‐by‐event simulation of fission reactions recently integrated into the MCNP6 general purpose radiation transport code, there is a need to study and benchmark the code predictions against experimental data. The entire scope of this project ranges from understanding the nuclear physics simulations of secondary particle emissions from fission, to modeling and simulating both differential and integral experiments using the new MCNP6 features, and finally comparing the code predictions to real‐world measurements of the signatures of special nuclear materials (SNM). The skills necessary to develop and assess the predictive capability of these new MCNP6 features includes:
- Experience with programming languages such as C, C++, and Fortran
- Experience with scripting languages such as Perl, Python, etc.
- Experience using MCNP with some knowledge of transport theory
- Excellent writing and communication skills
- Ability to work effectively in a team
The student(s) will be encouraged to publish their work in journals, conference proceedings and to orally present their work at an appropriate venue.
Duration: 12 weeks
Number of students: 1-2