Tony Shin
CVT Graduate Fellow, September 2014 - present
University of Michigan
Ph.D. Candidate
B.S.E. Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences at the University of Michigan, USA, 2014
M.S.E. Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences at the University of Michigan, USA, 2015
Tony began his research career with DNNG as a SURE undergraduate student in the Summer of 2012. His first research project involved characterizing the angular distribution of spontaneous fission neutrons in Pu-240. As a Ph. D. candidate, Tony’s research focuses on developing analytic models for fissile mass estimation in a fast-neutron multiplicity counting system. His other work includes alternative digital signal processing techniques for improved pulse shape analysis.
Projects: Fast-neutron multiplicity counter, pulse-shape discrimination techniques, nuclear fission cross-correlations and multiplcities