Shaun Clarke, Ph.D.
CVT Assistant Director and National Lab Point of Contact
Detection for Nuclear Nonproliferation Group (DNNG) | Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences, University of Michigan | Consortium for Verification Technology
Associate Research Scientist
M.S. Nuclear Engineering at Purdue University, USA, 2005
Ph.D. Nuclear Engineering at Purdue University, USA, 2007
Dr. Clarke was recently promoted in the Department of Nuclear and Radiological Sciences at the University of Michigan to an Associate Reserach Scientist.
He has conducted research at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (summer 2003 and summer 2004) and at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (summer 2006 through December 2007). Dr. Clarke has over fours years of experience in Monte Carlo modeling and analysis. His current research efforts are focused on simulation techniques for active-interrogation systems using high-energy photons for nuclear nonproliferation and homeland security applications. Photofission and photoneutron energy spectra and multiplicity distributions are currently being explored.
Dr. Clarke holds one patent and is author or coauthor of a large number of conference proceedings and journal papers.