Michael Schoeppner
CVT Alumnus, Postdoc Fellow, September 2014 - August 2016
Princeton University
Michael Schoeppner is a post-doctoral researcher at Princeton University’s Program on Science and Global Security. His research focuses on atmospheric transport modeling of radioactive noble gases for the verification of nuclear arms control treaties. This includes assessing and improving the understanding of the global atmospheric concentrations of radioactive krypton and xenon, both important tracers for nuclear activities. He examines the roles of the krypton background for monitoring plutonium separation activities as well as new methods for the optimized placement of monitoring stations. This research is particularly relevant for NPT and FMCT verification. Furthermore, he studies the radio-xenon emissions of medical isotope production facilities and their impact on the monitoring network for verifying the CTBT. Michael has Master’s degrees from the University of Muenster (Germany) and the University of Hamburg (Germany), and a PhD from the Roma Tre University (Italy). Before joining the Program he was working as a consultant for the Preparatory Commission of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization in Vienna (Austria).