Ray Klan

Dr. Ray Klann

Pacific Northwest National Lab

National Laboratory


Dr. Raymond Klann is a senior scientist in the National Security Directorate at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Dr. Klann manages the Detection Systems Group comprised of 50+ scientists and engineers focused on the development of radiation detection technologies supporting applied measurements in nuclear emergency response, border security, treaty verification, and other U.S. government objectives.

He currently serves as a Test Scientist for the DHS Domestic Nuclear Detection Office and an Assessment Scientist for the DOE Radiological Assistance Program. He is also part of the science team for the Nuclear Smuggling Detection and Deterrence Program.

He is an expert in radiation detector development and testing, and algorithm development for radiological search. His area of expertise is also in experimental nuclear techniques, nuclear measurements, radiation transport analysis, and reactor physics. Dr. Klann has authored over 100 papers on related topics.

His recent area of research has focused on gamma-ray and neutron detectors, detection systems, and algorithms for radiological search applications for homeland security. As a result of his work on semiconductor-based neutron detectors and systems for detecting and tracking radioactive sources in real-time, six patents have been issued with one pending.

Prior to joining PNNL, Dr. Klann spent 23 years at Argonne National Laboratory as the manager of the Radiological Detection and Response Section of the Nuclear Engineering Division.

Notable career highlights include:

Lead test scientist for two Illicit Trafficking Radiation Sensor Assessment Program (ITRAP+10) tests
Lead test scientist for Neutron Detector Replacement Options test for DNDO
Member of the DOE team that deployed to Japan to perform field measurements during the Fukishima Dai-ici Reactor Accident
Authored a Report to Congress – “DNDO Radiation Portal Monitor Testing: Fiscal Year 2008 Report to Congress, August 10, 2009”.
Led an international research collaboration between DOE, ANL and CEA Cadarache Research Center to measure integral neutron cross-sections of minor actinides to improve neutronic predictions of advanced nuclear fuels
Led a collaborative experimental program for the DOE Advanced Accelerator Applications Program to measure neutron production rates, reaction rates, and cross-sections of uranium, plutonium, and minor actinides for development of Accelerator-Driven Systems
Supported numerous National Special Security Events and FBI Special Security Events including Presidential Inauguration, Presidential visits, NATO summit, G44 Summit, National Conventions, Olympic Trials, Super Bowls, World Series, Stanley Cup Finals
Received an Outstanding Service Award from the American Nuclear Society
Dr. Klann has a B.S and M.S. in nuclear engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a Ph.D. in Nuclear Science and Engineering from Idaho State University.