October 16th
7:30 | BREAKFAST | Campus Inn – Continental |
8:10 | WELCOME | S. Pozzi, R. Gilgenbach, D. Tilbury |
8:30 | NNSA Overview | D. Beach, NNSA |
8:50 | CVT Mission Overview | S. Pozzi, UM |
9:10 | CVT Scientific Overview | D. Wehe, UM |
9:30 | BREAK | 15 minutes (Beverages) |
Session Welcome | Chair: A. Glaser | |
9:45 | Thrust Area I Overview: Treaty Verification: Characterizing Existing Gaps and Emerging Challenges | A. Glaser, Princeton |
10:05 | Verification challenges of a Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty | F. von Hippel, Princeton |
10:25 | Lab Overview I | Rob Tachau (SNL) David L Chichester (INL) Ralph James (BNL) |
10:45 | BREAK | 15 minutes (Midmorning w/snacks) |
Session Welcome | Chair: A. Hero | |
11:00 | Thrust Area II Overview: Fundamental Physical Data and Data Acquisition and Analysis Techniques | A. Hero, UM |
11:20 | Deep Data Representations | L. Carin, Duke |
11:40 | Graphical Models for Query-driven Analysis of Multimodal Data | J. Fisher, MIT |
12:00 | Correlations in Prompt Neutron and Gamma Rays from Fission | S. Clarke, UM |
12:20 | LUNCH and POSTERS (1 hr, 45 mins) | Campus Inn – Lunch Buffet |
Matthew Marcath (UM) Charles Sosa (UM) Elizabeth Hou & Yasin Yilmaz (UM) Meghan McGarry (U.Wisconsin) Sebastien Phillippe (Princeton) | ||
Session Welcome | Chair: Z. He | |
2:05 | Thrust Area III Overview: Advanced Safeguard Tools for Accesible Facilities | Z. He, UM |
2:25 | Fast Neutron Multiplicity Counter | S. Pozzi, UM |
2:45 | Standoff characterization of nuclear materials by optical techniques | I. Jovanovic, PSU |
3:05 | Chain of Custody Detectors | K. Kearfott, UM |
3:25 | BREAK | 15 minutes (Afternoon Break w/ snacks) |
Session Welcome | Chair: Z. He | |
3:40 | Fast Neutron Detectors (and other CVT contributions by UF) | J. Baciak or A. Enqvist, UF |
4:00 | Data Compression and Analysis Methods for High-Throughput Detector Systems | J. Mattingly, NCSU |
4:20 | Technical Collaboration Roundtable I | All |
5:00 | ADJOURNE: Day 1 | |
6:00 | DINNER | SAVA’S Restaurant |
October 17th
7:30 | BREAKFAST | Campus Inn – Continental |
Session Welcome | Chair: P. Richards | |
8:30 | Thrust Area IV Overview: Detection of Undeclared Activities and Inaccessible Facilities – Geophysics R & D needed to support monitoring for compliance with test-ban treaties ( LTBT, NPT, TTBT, PNET, and CTBT) | P. Richards, Columbia |
8:50 | Infrasound, In Context | M. Garces, UH |
9:10 | Radioxenon Detection via Beta-Gamma Coincidence technique | A. Farsoni, OSU |
9:30 | BREAK | 15 minutes (Beverages) |
9:45 | Cyclus: Agent-based Modeling of Open and Clandestine Fuel Cycle Facilities | P. Wilson, UW |
10:05 | Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Proliferation Monitoring | P. Wilson, UW |
10:20 | Lab Overview II | John D. Valentine (LBNL) Karen Miller (LANL) David F. Williams (ORNL) |
10:40 | BREAK | 15 minutes (Midmorning w/snacks) |
Session Welcome | Chair: R. Lanza | |
10:55 | Thrust Area V Overview: Disarmament Verification | R. Lanza, MIT |
11:15 | Zero-knowledge Neutron Detection | F. D’Errico, Yale |
11:35 | Information Barriers based on Enhanced Automated Isotope Identification | C. Sullivan, UI |
11:55 | Lab Overview III | Daniel Stephens (PNNL) Robert Goldston (PPPL) Daniel Decman (LLNL) |
12:15 | LUNCH (1 hr, 15 mins) | Campus Inn – Lunch Buffet |
Session Welcome | Chair: K. Kearfott | |
1:30 | Thrust Area VI Overview: Education and Outreach | K. Kearfott, UM |
1:50 | University Programs | I. Jovanovic, PSU |
2:10 | Laboratory Programs/Career Development | M. Flaska, UM |
2:30 | Technical Collaboration Roundtable II | All |
3:55 | Closing Comments | S. Pozzi |
3:00 | ADJOURNE: Day 2 |