Charles joined the Detection for Nuclear Nonproliferation Group (DNNG) at the University of Michigan in the fall semester of 2012. He is a recipient of the Consortium for Verification Technology (CVT) Fellowship and the GEM Ph.D. Engineering Fellowship. His thesis work is on the importance of light-collection efficiency in radiation detection systems that use organic scintillators. Charles is especially interested in how the transport of optical photons affect detector performance in three key areas: energy resolution, timing resolution, and particle discrimination. His work involves both optical transport simulations in Geant4 and experimental studies of scintillators and photo sensors of various shapes and sizes.
Charles is pursuing his Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering at the University of Michigan under the advisement of Dr. Sara A Pozzi. He earned his B.E. in Mechanical Engineering at the City College of New York and his M.S.E in Nuclear Engineering at the University of Michigan.
Projects: Organic scintillator geometry, detector characterization, pulse-shape discrimination