Richard C. Lanza
Senior Scientist, Nuclear Science and Engineering Department, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. AB, Princeton University (1959), MS (1961). PhD (1966), University of Pennsylvania. His research has involved the use of accelerators and radiation instrumentation for problems in security, proliferation, medical imaging and isotope production. Some current projects are: the development of ultracompact superconducting cyclotrons and examining new application areas which they will enable; development of RFQ accelerator based diagnostic tools for the MIT tokamak; use of RFQs for fast neutron radiography and detection of SNM; development of monoenergetic nuclear reaction based gamma sources for radiography and phase contrast x-ray imaging using coded sources He has numerous publications and talks in these areas and has served on review panels for DoE, NNSA, DNDO and IAEA in these areas and has been General and Program Chair for IEEE NSS/MIC conference. Member: IEEE (Senior Life Member) and APS.