Paul Wilson is a Professor of Nuclear Engineering in the University of Wisconsin-Madison‘s Department of Engineering Physics, and Faculty Director of the Advanced Computing Initiative. His research interests bring together technical and policy issues: analysis methods of isotopic inventories in nuclear systems and the implications on nuclear non-proliferation policy, and the development of next generation nuclear power systems to fulfill a role in future energy policy and needs. Paul joined the University of Wisconsin-Madison as an assistant professor in August 2001 as part of the Energy Systems and Policy Hiring Initiative. Paul currently serves on the Executive Committee of the Wisconsin Energy Institute and the Steering Committee of the Holtz Center for Science and Technology Studies.
In leading the CNERG Home [Computational Nuclear Engineering Research Group], he is interested in applying modern computational science practices to answer real-world and/or policy-driven questions in nuclear engineering. There are three primary facets to this work:
* addressing real-world questions by helping scientists and engineers calculate more accurate radiation transport results on more exact representations of their problem and more easily combine those results with other analyses.
* addressing policy-driven questions by providing simulation platforms for realistic scenario analysis in the global deployment of advanced nuclear fuel cycles, including provisions for approximating non-technical perturbations to those scenarios.
* invoking modern computational science practices including adoption of software management tools and techniques, reliance on third party software libraries, and preferring open software solutions.
Born in Edinburgh, Scotland, and raised in Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, Canada, Paul specialized in the Nuclear Power option of the Engineering Science program at the University of Toronto. After receiving his Bachelor of Applied Science in Engineering Science, he began his graduate schooling in nuclear engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. After three years, he moved to Karlsruhe, Germany, where he studied in the Institute for Neutron Physics and Reactor Engineering (of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), earning his Dr.-Ing. degree in Mechanical Engineering in 1998. Returning to Madison, Paul completed his Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering in 1999.
Paul was the founding President of the North American Young Generation in Nuclear [NA-YGN], an organization created to provide unique opportunities to young professionals in all fields of nuclear science & technology. Paul has been active in the American Nuclear Society for over 15 years, including membership in various committees and chairing the Student Sections Committee and the Special Committee on Electronic Communications and Publications. Paul also represented the ANS and NA-YGN at the international climate change negotiations in Buenos Aires, Argentina (1998), and Bonn, Germany (1999). He is a member of the American and Canadian Nuclear Societies, the American Society for Engineering Education and the NA-YGN.
Paul is married and has two daughters. They enjoy biking around Madison’s paths and spending time outside.