John Mattingly joined the North Carolina State University (NCSU) Department of Nuclear Engineering faculty as an associate professor in June 2011. His research program is focused on applications of radiation detection to nuclear security missions, including nuclear nonproliferation, counterterrorism, emergency response, and forensics. He and his students work together to develop radiation measurement and analysis techniques to detect and characterize special nuclear material (SNM). Prior to joining the NCSU faculty, Dr. Mattingly worked for 15 years at Sandia National Laboratories and Oak Ridge National Laboratory developing and deploying radiation measurement systems for SNM detection and characterization. His accomplishments include co-development of the Gamma Detector Response and Analysis Software (GADRAS) used by numerous federal agencies for rapid analysis of gamma spectrometry measurements of SNM, and co-development of the Blend-Down Monitoring System (BDMS) used to monitor the down-blending of Russian highly enriched uranium (HEU) in the US-Russia HEU Purchase Agreement.