Agenda, CVT Workshop 2017


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1830Welcome DinnerUniversity of Michigan Museum of Art (UMMA)
Keynote Speaker: Ms. Corey Hinderstein, Senior Coordinator for NNSA US DOE


Michigan LeagueBallroom, 2nd floor (map)
0745Registration, Concourse

Breakfast and Poster Setup, Ballroom

Demonstration set-up, Michigan and Kalamazoo
0825WelcomeProf. Sara Pozzi and Dr. Shaun Clarke,
U. Michigan
0845DNN Mission NeedsDr. Craig Sloan, Director, Office of Proliferation Detection, Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation R&D, NNSA 
0905CVT Year 3 AccomplishmentsProf. Sara Pozzi,
U. Michigan
0925Thrust Area 4: Detection of Undeclared Activities and Inaccessible Facilities (Overview)Prof. Milton Garces,
U. Hawaii
0935Underlying Reasons for the Wide Range of Yield Estimates for the Underground Nuclear Explosion of September 3, 2017, in North KoreaProf. Paul Richards,
Columbia U. 
0955Preliminary Evaluation of Two Beta-Gamma Radioxenon Detection Systems Mr. Steven Czyz,
Oregon St. U. (student talk)
1015CVT-LANL CollaborationDr. James Miller,
1045Overview of Current Radioxenon ResearchMs. Ciara Sivels,
U. Michigan (student talk)
1105Understanding Uncertainties in Atmospheric Transport Modeling for Radionuclide MonitoringMr. Matthew Krupcale,
U. Michigan (student talk)
1125TA4: Discussion and QuestionsPanel
1140Infrasound DemonstrationProf. Milton Garces,
U. Hawaii
1150LUNCH, Vandenberg & Hussey

DEMONSTRATIONS, Michigan & Kalamazoo
1310Thrust Area 5: Disarmament VerificationProf. Areg Danagoulian,
1320Experimental Demonstration of a Physical Cryptographic Warhead Verification Protocol Using Nuclear Resonance FluorescenceMr. Jayson Vavrek,
MIT (student talk)
1340CVT-PPPL CollaborationDr. Rob Goldston,
1355Moderated DT Neutron Source for Zero Knowledge Isotopic DifferentiationMr. Mike Hepler,
Princeton U. (student talk)
1415Uranium Enrichment Measurements Using an Artificial Neural NetworkMr. Mark Kamuda,
UIUC (student talk)
1435TA5: Discussion and QuestionsPanel
1505Thrust Area 1: Visualizing Nuclear Verification: Technology and Policy (Overview)Prof. Alex Glaser, 
Princeton U. 
1515Verification of the Iran Nuclear DealProf. Frank N. Von Hippel,
Princeton U.
1535CVT-SNL CollaborationDr. Peter Marleau, SNL
1550Unattended 235U Feed and Withdrawal Monitor for Gas Centrifuge Enrichment Plants Mr. Mark Walker,
Princeton U. (student talk)
1610TA1: Review and QuestionsPanel
1625GROUP PHOTO, Ballroom

DEMONSTRATIONS, Michigan & Kalamazoo


Michigan LeagueBallroom
0815Thrust Area 2: Fundamental Physical Data and Data Acquisition and Analysis Techniques (Overview)Prof. Al Hero,
U. Michigan
0825Sequential Detection of Unusual DocumentsMs. Elizabeth Hou,
U. Michigan (student talk)
0845Measured and Simulated Cf-252 Spontaneous Fission Prompt Neutron-Photon CompetitionMr. Matthew Marcath,
U. Michigan (student talk)
0905An Efficient Nonlinear Dispersion Model Using Continuous-Piecewise-Affine-based TransformationsMr. Christopher Dean,
MIT (student talk)
0925Deep Generative Models for Anomaly DetectionProf. Lawrence Carin,
Duke U.
0945Robust Monte Carlo Methods for Sequential Planning and Decision MakingMs. Sue Zheng,
MIT (student talk)
1005TA2: Review and QuestionsPanel
1035CVT-LLNL CollaborationDr. Stephan Friedrich,
1050Thrust Area 3: Advanced Safeguards Tools for Accessible Facilities (Overview)Prof. Zhong He,
U. Michigan
1100Summary of the University of Florida Contribution to CVTProf. James Baciak,
U. Florida
1120Changes to the Cf-252 Neutron Spectrum Caused by Source EncapsulationMr. Robert Weinmann-Smith,
U. Florida (student talk)
1140CdZnTe INL Campaign: High Resolution Ultra Long Distance SourceMr. David Goodman,
U. Michigan (student talk)
1200LUNCH, Vandenberg & Hussey

1200 – 1320, Thrust Area working discussion, Vanderberg

1200 – 1320, Student-National Lab engagement, Hussey
(Demos must be broken down by the end of lunch on this day)
1320Development of Advanced Optical Techniques for Verification Measurements
1340CVT-ORNL CollaborationProf. Igor Jovanovic,
U. Michigan
1355Fast-Neutron Multiplicity Counting for Nuclear Safeguards ApplicationsDr. Paul Hausladen,
1415TA3: Discussion and QuestionsMr. Tony Shin,
U. Michigan (student talk)
1430Closing Comments / Student AwardsPanel
LAB TOURS: Tour participants may leave their belongings in the Hussey room during the tour. The room will be locked during the tour.

Tour sign-up form. Click here.

Lab Tours: You will visit the lab spaces operated and managed by the following faculty and their teams.

1) Prof. Sara Pozzi, Detection for Nuclear Nonproliferation Group
2) Prof. Igor Jovanovic, Applied Nuclear Science Group
4) Prof. Zhong He, Orion Radiation Measurement Group
3) Prof. Kim Kearfott, Radiological Health Engineering Laboratory
1500Departing Bus to UM North Campus 
1515Lab Tours: details provided once available
1520Return Bus to Michigan League 
1730ADJOURN, Day 2


All demonstrations will occur on day 1 of the workshop (11/29) only.

LocationDescriptionPresenter Name
Kalamazoo Rm.Handheld Dual Particle ImagerMr. William Steinberger,
U. Michigan
Kalamazoo Rm.Augmented Reality Demonstration for Radiation Detection ApplicationsMr. Michael Bondin,
U. Michigan
Kalamazoo Rm.Virtual RealityProf. Alex Glaser,
Princeton U.
Michigan Rm.Stilbene Cell for Radioxenon MonitoringMs. Ciara Sivels, 
U. Michigan
Michigan Rm.InfrasoundProf. Milton Garces,
U. Hawaii
Michigan Rm.3-D CZT Orion SystemProf. Zhong He,
U. Michigan
Michigan Rm.Improvements in Energy Resolution Using Conical StilbeneMr. Charles Sosa,
U. Michigan


Odd numbered posters must be attended during the first hour of the poster session (1630 – 1730). Even numbered posters must be attended during the 2nd hour of the poster session (1730 – 1830). 

Poster No.Poster TitleName
1Performance of Stilbene Bars Coupled to Silicon Photomultipliers Using Different ReflectorsMr. William Steinberger,
U. Michigan
2Intense Laser Filament-Solid Interactions from Near-Ultraviolet to Mid-InfraredDr. Milos Burger,
U. Michigan
3The University of Michigan Radiation Weather Station Prof. Kimberlee Kearfott,
U. Michigan
4Preliminary Identification of Sources of Radiation Background Variations Observed for a Spectroscopic Radiation Weather Station Mr. Fangbo Yuan,
U. Michigan
5An Affordable Do-It-Yourself Radiation Detector for Precollege Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) OutreachMr. Jeffery Xiao,
U. Michigan
6Improvements in Energy Resolution using Conical StilbeneMr. Charles Sosa,
U. Michigan
7Characterization of Stilbene Scintillation Detectors with Light Guide Coupling and Silicon Photomultiplier ReadoutMr. Kyle Beyer,
U. Michigan
8Temperature Dependence of Organic Scintillator DetectorsMs. Aditi Rajadhyaksha,
U. Michigan
10Characterization of the Positional Sensitivity of Large NaI(Tl) Detectors.Mr. Jordan Noey,
U. Michigan
11Residual Optically Stimulated Luminescent (OSL) Signals for Al2O3:C and a Readout System with Reproducible Partial Signal ClearanceMs. Sara A. Abraham,
U. Michigan
12Setup and Characterization of a Cesium-137 Dosimetry Calibration Source in a Space-Constrained EnvironmentMs. Jasmine Mapes,
U. Michigan
13Experiences with Consortium for Verification Technology (CVT) Funded Undergraduate Research in the University of Michigan (UM) Radiological Health Engineering Laboratory (RHEL)Prof. Kim Kearfott,
U. Michigan
14Improving the Estimation of Relative Earthquake Locations Using Surface Waves with Source CorrectionsMr. Michael Howe,
Columbia U.
15Multimodal Multiscale Data Fusion in Spatial Processes Using the Hierarchical Beta ModelMr. Christopher Dean,
16Characterization of the Anisotropic Scintillation Response of Stilbene to NeutronsDr. Jonathan Mueller,
17Characterization of the Anisotropic Scintillation Response of Stilbene to NeutronsMr. Mudit Mishra,
18Frequency Domain Multiplexing of Multiple Organic Scintillator DetectorsMr. Mudit Mishra,
19Model-based Design Evaluation of a Compact, High-Efficiency Neutron Scatter CameraMr. Kyle Weinfurther,
20Atmospheric 41Ar Plume Tracking and Model Development of the UF Training Reactor Using a Large-Volume NaI DetectorMr. Gabriel Sandler,
U. Florida
21Standardizing, Securing, and Reporting on Data for Temporospatial Infrasound AnalysisProf. Milton Garces,
U. Hawaii
22Evaluation of Next-Generation Infrasound Sensors: Calibration Techniques and Air-Blast Data Parameterization Ms. Karina Asmar,
U. Hawaii
23Measurements of Prompt Fission Neutron Correlations in Cf252Dr. Patricia Schuster,
U. Michigan
24Experimental Demonstration of a Fast-Neutron Multiplicity Counter Based on Organic Scintillators and SiPM ReadoutDr. Angela Di Fulvio,
U. Michigan
25Optimization of Atomic and Molecular Signatures of Uranium In Laser Ablation Spectroscopy Mr. Ian Baughman,
U. Michigan
26Intercomparison of Commercially Available Active Radon Measurement Devices in a “Discovered” Radon ChamberMr. Marco A. Carmona,
U. Michigan
27Accelerator Installation for Active Interrogation Detection Method DevelopmentMr. Cameron Miller,
U. Michigan
28Comparison of Unfolding Algorithms for Monoenergetic and Continuous Fast-Neutron Energy SpectraMr. Haonan Zhu,
U. Michigan
29Electrical Characterization of SiPMs Applied to Organic Scintillation Detector ReadoutMs. Lauren Green,
U. Michigan
30Localization and Characterization of SNM by Remote Monitoring with Multiple CdZnTe Imaging SystemsMr. Bennett Williams,
U. Michigan
31Characterizing the Directional Dependence of Organic Scintillators from a Fission SourceMs. Ruby Araj,
U. Michigan
32Correlation Unfolding from Low Efficiency Detectors DataMr. Stefano Marin,
U. Michigan
33Uncertainty Quantification of Factorial Moment Counting in Measured Data from Plutonium PlatesMr. Michael Hua,
U. Michigan
34Readout Electronics of SiPMs Coupled to Stilbene in a Fast-Neutron Multiplicity CounterMr. Nathan Giha,
U. Michigan
35Modeling Post-JCPOA Cascade Performance with CyclusMs. Kathryn Mummah,
U. Wisconsin
36CVT-LBNL CollaborationMs. Erika Suzuki,
37Time Encoded Fast Neutron Imaging with an Asymmetric MaskMr. Niral Shah,
U. Michigan
38Remote Sensing of Nuclear Materials Using Ultrafast Laser Filamentation in AirMr. Patrick J. Skrodzki,
U. Michigan
39CVT-PNNL CollaborationDr. Eric Becker, PNNL